Multitasking is a myth

 Multitasking is an important part of life because it helps you to make proactive planning but it is not a thing that you always be active, but your destination towards the goal is important.

A multitasker has no focus on any one thing because they are tensed with one thing that if they did not do that work it will create hurdles in the achievement, so it's important to take some initials to work. multitasker is not that you have to work at one time but if your planning is good then you can work in a great way. 

life always turned with a great view but it's also important to understand that if you work on a particular part you can't survive with one thing as you have to convert your skills with different key sources.

for example:- if you like English, not like maths but you have to study maths as well so in this you have to study these two subject together you can't do anything but if you like to read books and also like to play games and you also study well so this is multitasking.

proper planning makes you a better multitasker because you have a schedule and time as what you like to do. 

as per my experience multitasking is not a myth because first I make a plan then I start work on it and if any opportunity comes I always grab, I like or I do not like. but an important thing is to learn in a very progressive manner by taking your views.

I know you can't be perfect but opportunities make you an independent thinker. you can change your priorities but it is important to learn many new things every day either it is a language or any other skill you can work on that.

but education always plays an important part in all of this work. whatever you want to do you can do but it's also important to work on your academic part.

for example:- you are a doctor and you know how to do an operation but if you don't know the concept then it's very much tuff for you to do the operation.

multitasker is:-


use time very effectively

Upgrade their skills in different areas.

have good knowledge.

so for me, multitasking is a myth but your thought process changes everything.


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